We wish to thank you for your interest in our motion picture industry, which, though it has continued to attract positive global attention, stands to benefit immensely from every available professional training and capacity building initiatives to take it to the next level of making good films. It is our mandate at the NFC to create an enabling environment for the sustainable growth and development of the motion picture industry in Nigeria, and we at the NFC welcome the EU funding initiative for training and hope that you will use your professional clout and network to sustain the tempo of positive contribution through the BABYLON forum.

Target Group

All participants will be qualified professionals of proven talent with at least three years’ experience in their local industry. Both African and European participants whether producers, directors, technicians or administrators will have some established or proposed interest in working inter-continentally to assure a higher quality of product capable of reaching the international market.

All will have a substantial track record, with at least one film behind them and a viable project which they wish to develop within our programme.

Our aim is to develop films, not scripts. Each project should have a realistic chance of production.